Academics for Student Athletes is now hiring for summer. The BEST Summer Bridge Program is a transition program for student athletes coming from high school to college.  As a program, we facilitate our students’ holistic adjustment to the university, including academics, on-campus living, study assistance, and athletics.  Our student workers work closely with these incoming student athletes as peer leaders.  Student worker positions include study facilitators, writing assistants, and resident mentors.  Study facilitators provide guidance to the students during study hall in a multitude of ways, ranging from teaching proper study skills and time management, to assisting in content specific help.  Resident mentors live with the students in the resident hall, and foster a welcoming and safe living environment.  Writing assistants help studensts during study hall in crafting their papers, starting with the brainstorm process and moving forward from there.  More information and qualification requirements regarding these positions are found within the links below. To apply email a resume and unofficial transcript to Clint Edwards at [email protected].

Job Descriptions

Study Facilitator

Resident Mentor